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Digital Literacy: A Class Within the Library

One of the new additions at MHS Library Media Center is our 8th Grade Digital Literacy class.
It is the first time I personally have taught the class as well, but I've been inspired by the need for the class as students are learning valuable digital discerning and creation skills.

First, we've focused on lessons about different types of media, including digital. Our lessons and discussions have been revolving around being a consumer--what that means, and how advertising and media messages can affect us. Currently we've moved on to the second "C" of our class, which is the "Creation" mode of using mostly digital, but sometimes paper, mediums.  Our last component of the class will be focused on the third "C" of being a Digital Connector--basically an immersion into Digital Citizenship and connecting responsibly via the interwebs and other social media platforms.

Today's lesson is inspired by the Doodle 4 Google Challenge. On it's 10 year anniversary, Google's Challenge this year is based on the idea of "What inspires you?" and is geared for students K-12, as they create a new Google homepage logo (to be revealed in late 2018).

This project is great because it merges real life design with digital creation. Here is a link--

It is past the deadline for this particular project and the submission date, but you could easily plan it in as an activity for next year's students. I see the project as an interdisciplinary one--that promotes creative thinking, and a global/digital twist.

We also have a smattering of "Unplugged" days, where we focus on tangible, real life problem solving, away from technology devices. Perhaps another blog post, for another day.

Overall, this has been a beneficial class, and I'm excited to see how it will develop and what more digital adventures we can pursue.


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