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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Hunger Games: A Decade Later

Dystopian Reflections  I just might end up sounding like book snob, but I read The Hunger Games long before it became a bestseller. I would say maybe two years earlier, before it became nationally recognized. I had an inkling that it would eventually "take off," and wasn't surprised when others starting making pop culture references to Katniss, the other tributes, and the notorious Game challenges. I also remember the exciting storyline--and it's journey into a dystopian world. Suzanne Collins was not the first author to take us there, but she opened the portal to an even wider audience. Traveling to a dystopian world (via the written word), will probably not be a fun and/or lighthearted experience.  The purpose of such a fantasy is to express our societal and familial fears of what could go wrong should our government and "everyday world" collapse. We ask ourselves questions like, what would I do in that situation ? Would I survive ? And, to what