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Showing posts from May, 2018

Summer Reading

Summer Reading...It's Important!  Do you have any big summer plans? Mine will probably be filled with days in the backyard baby pool and nights at the softball field--which sounds heavenly to me! I also hope to get some reading in as well. Summer reading is different to me than "school year reading." Summer is a great time to read those really ambitious books you've been wanting to read all year. Think Classics or "Life Changers." The elongated time of no school work/vacation gives your mind a chance to process the intricacies of such books. I've also taken time to read those big heavy books with 1,000 pages during summer. Sagas, series, or life works.  On the other side of the token, summer is a great time for "beach reads." These are those easy, breezy fun books that you couldn't get to during the school year. Think, "NOT" required reading. Books that are fun